Month: August 2024

Does NASA fake Any footage from space?

The Ocean is Rising but not from us & we are going to be just fine

A shocking new study finds most people Lungs are Riddled With microplastics, commonly found in disposable masks (Updated 2024)

Big Pharma, oops I mean W.H.O. Declares Monkeypox “Global emergency” And Get a vaccine Please, They Need More Money.

Bird Flu Vaccine Has A Kill rate of 1 in every 200.

Are cows really hurting the planet?

Breaking: Trudeau colluded with President Biden and Social Media companies to Illegally Attack the Legal Trucker Convoy Protest

Marin county California Parents opt out of CDC Vaccine schedule – autism in children born post-2000 declines. Never happened before in USA

The Australian government redacts every word in a 78-page report on batch tests for the COVID vaccine. CENSORED

Former Vaccine promoting Doctors are waking up

Doctor Bjorn Lomborg president of the Copenhagen Center, best selling author & climate scientist destroys the Climate Narrative

Censored Lancet Research Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is now peer reviewed and republished (UPDATED 2024)

Everything We Were Taught About Oil Was False

New Peer Reviewed Research Shows Covid Vaccine increases myocarditis by 620%, pericarditis by 175% and Guillain-Barré syndrome by 62%

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