Big Pharma, oops I mean W.H.O. Declares Monkeypox “Global emergency” And Get a vaccine Please, They Need More Money.

Health officials worldwide are missing the attention, the money and the power they lost after Covid mandates ended, so of course they are constantly trying to find a new virus to scare people and make more money. The latest is MONKEYPOX!!!! Terrifying!!! It is everywhere and everybody should be terrified and get vaxxed!!!

Let’s look at what is happening!

  1. How many have died this year? In the Democratic Republic of Congo – 537 out of 109,589,421 population have died (0.000049% of population). Fun fact, every year the world has a Monkeypox outbreak, some years worse than others.

  2. Who is getting it?


Source: CDC –

3. Is it a new disease? Monkeypox derives from smallpox, which is believed to have first appeared around 10,000 BC.

The first case of human monkeypox was identified in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970. The WHO subsequently reported 54 cases between 1970 and 1979 and 338 cases between 1981 and 1986. Between November 2005 and November 2007, a study found that monkeypox cases in Congo spiked 20-fold compared with the 1980s. And In Nigeria, a severe 2017 outbreak occurred. 2022 along with every other year had an outbreak.

4. Will I get Monkeypox? Well if you do not live in Africa and you are not a gay man…. your chance of getting it are about ZERO.

Wonder why the mainstream media is not telling people that 96% of people getting it are gay men? Seems like VERY relevant information.

Well they can’t get people scared unless they think they are going to get it and die!

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