The terror of the Measles Outbreak – According to Mainstream news

First of all, ignore the propaganda. Like every disease some years are worse and some are better, but measles and deaths have been on the decline for a century, with deaths being minuscule. Watching mainstream news one may think that there is huge measles epidemic happening. NPR (National Public Radio) just compared it to Ebola, hilarious. But you would be very wrong.

The chance of death is minuscule, being less than 0.1 people for every 10,000,000 in the USA. There has been one death in 2025 and the previous death was 10 years ago in 2015.

How everybody looked at the Measles in the 70s, 80’s and 90’s compared to the propaganda of today.

Why is measles now feared like the black plague when it used to be seen as a short fever with cough and rash that most kids got and were protected from for life? Family’s would make sure when one child got it they would make all their kids get it, then it was over.

FACT: Natural immunity is ALWAYS stronger and lasts longer than any vaccine.

People used to be naturally immune to measles because everyone got it and developed “herd” of naturally immune people (herd immunity) that lasted a lifetime, but now everyone gets vaccinated against it instead. Vaccines against measles can only protect you temporarily. Further now it is older people getting measles which is MUCH more dangerous.

One expert on vaccines, Dr. Greg Poland of the Mayo Clinic, found that

Vaccine experts now recognize that the measles vaccine does not and cannot eliminate measles outbreaks in the general population. This is because up to 10% of individuals are “non-responders”, and another 8–9% of individuals stop producing antibodies within 2 to 10 years. This has resulted in an expanding population of non-immune people at risk of contracting measles.

So about 20% of vaccinated people have ZERO protection and that will increase as years go by and the vaccines become ineffective.

British Columbia 201966% of measles cases were in the vaccinated according to the BC CDC.

It was predicted by mathematical modelling in the 1980s that once this remaining group of naturally immune people dies off, measles will increasingly become a disease of the fully vaccinated. This has become true – British Columbia 201966% of measles cases were in the vaccinated according to the BC CDC.

We have replaced children getting measles harmlessly and then getting lifelong immunity, with vaccines that do not last very long and do not work on many. Further, now it is older people getting measles who have a far greater risk of potentially serious complications from measles than children.

People who have been fully vaccinated are still at risk of getting the disease because vaccine immunity weakens over time and/or doesn’t work. Adults have a much higher chance of getting measles and getting sick or dying from it. The people in charge of health know that the MMR vaccine will not protect people forever. And repeated vaccines have diminishing effectiveness.

The charts below show this so clearly a third grader could understand.

As you can see all of the above were on the way out, long before any vaccine as herd immunity developed in society and others with no vaccine followed the same path down.

With measles deaths so rare, what are the risks of taking the vaccine?

As of January 31, 2025, there have been 115,849 reports of measles-vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries, and deaths following measles vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 572 related deaths, 8,971 hospitalizations, and 2,207 related disabilities.

Approximately 50 percent of those vaccine adverse events occurred in children under three years old.


Vaccine experts now recognize that the measles vaccine does not and cannot eliminate measles outbreaks in the general population. This is because up to 10% of individuals are “non-responders”, and another 8–9% of individuals stop producing antibodies within 2 to 10 years. This has resulted in an expanding population of non-immune people at risk of contracting measles.

Instead of eliminating measles as promised, the measles vaccine has shifted the risk of measles away from younger children, in whom measles is generally a benign illness, and onto those for whom it poses a greater risk of potentially serious complications—infants, older children and adults.

In the recent 2019 measles outbreak in BC, the reports published by the BC CDC show that of the 29 confirmed cases only 34% (10 cases) were unvaccinated and 66% (19 cases) were vaccinated with 1 or 2 doses of MMR vaccine. Further, only 2 cases (7%) occurred in children 1 to 9 years old, while 27 cases (93%) occurred in more at-risk-of-complications populations: infants less than 1 year old (1 case), older children 10 to 19 years old (11 cases) and adults (15 cases).

This has created a paradoxical situation whereby in highly vaccinated societies measles occurs primarily in the older population and infants, so that those at least risk are protected and those at most risk are not.

“Children who are permitted to contract measles naturally are significantly protected against various cancers later in life. In fact, the wild measles virus has oncolytic (anti-cancer) properties.

Tumor remissions after measles infection are well documented in the medical literature. Children who are required to be vaccinated against measles have had this anti-cancer protection stripped from them for life.

They have been forced to trade a reduced risk of contracting measles for an increased risk of developing cancer later in childhood or as an adult.”

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