Month: April 2023

92% of COVID Deaths were among the Triple+ Vaccinated in 2022 – Gov. Data Shows

UK Data Shows Vaccinated have up to 140% higher mortality rate than unVaccinated

Australia’s Foremost Vaccine Developer Professor Petrovsky Talks about MRNA Vaccines

Does Global death data for past eight years show that any pandemics happened? United Nations Data Reviewed

Doctor Explains how the CDC Grossly exaggerated Covid deaths

Governments Climate EXPERTS Shockingly can not answer the most basic questions in Senate Hearing, regarding their narrative. (video)

Dr Trozzi explains what happened behind hospital doors and how doctors were coerced, its was the stick or the carrot

Fact Check: Al Gore’s Climate change propaganda. Existing Data can not be changed, they have to lie (video)

Writer Aldous Huxley predicted today’s world in 1958

Lets Look at Co2 and what its role is in our environment, Founder of Greenpeace examines the facts (video)

500 Climate Experts Put United Nations On Notice “There is NO Climate Emergency”

The Latest Facts about the Covid Vaccine.

Former Director of the CDC and the Covid Task Force Exposes Fauci to be a habitual liar. This is Criminal

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