YALE Scientists find that long covid is actually vaccine injury (Yes “we” knew this a long time ago)

For years, people in the United States who got the Covid vaccine and later had serious side effects were told there was no proof the shot was linked. Some were called “anti-vaxxers,” and others were told that their symptoms were made up or were linked to other illnesses, such as long-term COVID.

This week, though, things changed. Yale Researchers Find COVID Spike Protein in Blood 709 Days After Vaccination, Positing Millions of Long COVID Patients

A Yale University team known for their hard work discovered on Wednesday that the mRNA shots can cause a condition called “post-vaccination syndrome” that was not known before.

The syndrome seems to cause brain fog, dizziness, deafness, extreme tiredness, and changes in the immune systems of people who have it.

As the lead researcher on the study, Dr. Akiko Iwasaki stated that she knows her results might be seen as controversial. But she wants patients to know that her team is still working on getting “better transparency and safer vaccines” for them.

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