A study of official data published by the Government of Canada has found triple vaccinated individuals are now four times more likely to be infected with Covid-19, 2 times more likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19, and 2 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated individuals.
One reason why this could be occurring is that the Covid-19 injections are causing Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease and antibody-dependent enhancement. But this would not explain the increased risk of infection.
But there’s another condition that would explain the increased risk of infection as well as the increased risk of hospitalisation and death.
And that condition is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

The figures on Covid-19 by vaccination status are produced by the Government of Canada, the latest of which are presented in the following table taken from their report –

The table makes it appear that the Covid-19 injections are clearly working but this is a deception. The Government of Canada has chosen to present the figures from as far back as 14th December 2020, meaning they include the largest wave of cases, hospitalisations and deaths to date in January 2021 when just 0.3 of the population of Canada was considered fully vaccinated.
Here’s a table taken from a previous report courtesy of the ‘Wayback Machine’ –

And here’s a chart showing the true number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status in Canada between 21st March and 10th April 2022 (The numbers have been calculated by performing simple subtraction on the two tables above) –

Between 21st March and 10th April 2022, there were 91,734 confirmed cases, 4,998 hospitalizations, and 597 deaths. As you can see from the above the triple vaccinated accounted for the majority of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. You may be thinking that this is to be expected with so many people being vaccinated? But the rates per 100,000 prove otherwise.
The population of Canada is 38.01 million. The Government of Canada provides the total population size by vaccination status below the cases, hospitalisations and deaths table within their report.
According to the Government of Canada, 25 million people have had at least 1 dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. This means 13.01 million people have not. Here’s a chart showing the population size by vaccination status in Canada as of 10th April 2022 –

Now that we know this, all we need to do is divide each population size by 100,000 and then the number of cases/hospitalizations/deaths among each population by the answer to the previous equation. This will give us the rates per 100,000 population.
e.g. –
13.01 million Unvaccinated / 100,000 = 130.1
12,563 Unvaccinated Cases / 130.1 = 96.56 cases per 100,000 population
Here’s a chart showing the Covid-19 cases/hospitalisation/death-rate per 100,000 population by vaccination status in Canada between 21st March and 10th April 2022 based on the figures above –

All three rates are actually the lowest among the unvaccinated population. This means the unvaccinated are the least likely to be infected with Covid-19, least likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19, and least likely to die of Covid-19.
The triple vaccinated population are actually the most likely to be infected with Covid-19, and the most likely to die of Covid-19. Whilst the partly vaccinated are the most likely to be hospitalised with a rate of 18.02 per 100k. But the triple vaccinated are not far behind with a rate of 17.12 per 100k.
You didn’t expect to see these numbers did you? Why would you when you’ve been fed propaganda and lies by your own Government for the past two years?
Now that we know the case-rates we can use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to calculate the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness
The formula is as follows –
Unvaccinated Rate per 100k – Vaccinated Rate per 100k / Unvaccinated Rate per 100k = Vaccine Effectiveness
e.g. – Unvax 96.56 cases per 100k – Double Vax 249.49 cases per 100k / Unvax 96.56 cases per 100k = VE of minus-158.37%
Here’s a chart showing the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness in Canada against infection, hospitalisation and death between 21st March and 10th April 2022 –

Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against infection is as low as minus-293.33% among the triple jabbed, and as high as minus-73.08% among the partly jabbed.
Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation is as low as minus-91.53% among the partly jabbed, and as high as minus-30% among the double jabbed.
Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against death is as low as minus-101.07% among the triple jabbed, and as high as minus-2.75% among the partly jabbed.
This isn’t anywhere near the 95% effectiveness you’ve been lied to about for the past year is it?
This data shows that the triple vaccinated are 4x more likely to be infected with Covid-19, 2x more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and 2x more likely to die of Covid-19.
The question is, why?
Antibody-Dependent Enhancment?
One possibility is that we could be witnessing the much feared antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
Intensive research conducted by health experts throughout the years has brought to light increasing concerns about “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE), a phenomenon where vaccines make the disease far worse by priming the immune system for a potentially deadly overreaction.
ADE can arise in several different ways but the best-known is dubbed the ‘Trojan Horse Pathway’. This occurs when non-neutralizing antibodies generated by past infection or vaccination fail to shut down the pathogen upon re-exposure.
Instead, they act as a gateway by allowing the virus to gain entry and replicate in cells that are usually off limits (typically immune cells, like macrophages). That, in turn, can lead to wider dissemination of illness, and over-reactive immune responses that cause more severe illness.
Even Dr Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Adviser to the President of the United States, admitted when discussing the Covid-19 vaccine, that this would not be the first time a vaccine that initially looked good, actually made people worse. https://videopress.com/embed/hCR6pq4t?hd=1&cover=1&loop=0&autoPlay=0&permalink=1&muted=0&controls=1&playsinline=0
In previous clinical trials of vaccine candidates to combat SARS and MERS, the studies each failed during the animal phase due to ADE also known as pathogenic priming or a cytokine storm.
Phase three clinical trials are designed to uncover frequent or severe side effects before a vaccine is approved for use, including ADE.
But herein lies the problem, none of the Covid-19 vaccines have completed phase three clinical trials.
The Pfizer phase three trial is not due to complete until February 8th 2024, after previously being estimated to complete in April 2023.

However, of the information collated by Pfizer so far in the ongoing study they have conducted, it is clear to see that they were fully aware in February 2021 that antibody-dependent enhancement was a possible consequence of their Covid-19 injection, and it appears they also knew by April 2021 that the phenomenon was killing people.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been forced by court order to publish all confidential documents sent to them by Pfizer in regard to emergency use approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.
The latest round of documents were published 1st April 22, and one of those documents is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’.
Table 5, found on page 11 of the document shows an ‘Important Potential Risk’, and that risk is listed as ‘Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Reporatory Disease (VAERD)’.

Vaccine-associated enhanced diseases (VAED) are modified presentations of clinical infections affecting individuals exposed to a wild-type pathogen after having received a prior vaccination for the same pathogen. Whereas, Vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory (VAERD) disease refers to disease with predominant involvement of the lower respiratory tract.
Enhanced responses are triggered by failed attempts to control the infecting virus, and VAED typically presents with symptoms related to the target organ of the infection pathogen. According to scientists VAED occurs as two different immunopathologies, antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and vaccine-associated hypersensitivity (VAH).
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement would certainly explain why the vaccinated population are twice as likely to be hospitalised with and die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population, but we’re not sure it would explain why the vaccinated are up to five times more likely to be infected with Covid-19.
Another extremely serious condition that would explain the higher case-rate as well as the higher hospitalisation/death rate is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome?
It’s a common misconception that Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is only caused by the HIV virus. This simply isn’t true.
Acquired (or secondary) immunodeficiency is one of the major causes of infections in adults. These immunodeficiency disorders affect your immune system partially or as a whole, making your body an easy target for several diseases and infections. (Source)
When immunodeficiency disorders affect your immune system, your body can no longer fight bacteria and diseases. (Source)
Several factors in the environment can cause secondary immunodeficiency disorders. (Source)
Some common ones are:
- Radiation or chemotherapy, which can lead to a secondary immunodeficiency disorder known as neutropenia
- Infections due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
- Leukaemia, a cancer that begins in the cells of the bone marrow that can lead to hypogammaglobulinemia—a type of secondary immunodeficiency
- Malnutrition, which affects up to 50% of populations in underdeveloped countries and leaves people vulnerable to respiratory infections and diarrhoea
But some of the less common causes include Drugs or medications. (Source)
So it’s perfectly possible for a medication or drug to cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and data published by the Government of Canada strongly suggests the Covid-19 injections should be added to the list.
Authorities claim that vaccine effectiveness wanes substantially over time and this is why it’s important to get a booster dose. But this is a lie. Vaccine effectiveness doesn’t wane. Immune system performance does.
Vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.
A vaccine effectiveness of -50% would mean that the immune system of the vaccinated is now performing at a worse rate than the natural immune system of the unvaccinated. It would mean the Covid-19 vaccines have damaged the immune system, and that’s precisely what these figures are showing.
Using the rates per 100,00 we can also calculate the immune system performance of the vaccinated compared to the natural immune system of the unvaccinated.
All we need to do is alter the vaccine effectiveness formula slightly for a negative immune system performance, and use the same formula for a positive immune system performance –
Positive Immune System Performance = Unvaccinated Rate – Vaccinated Rate / Unvaccinated Rate x 100
Negative Immune System Performance = Unvaccinated Rate – Vaccinated Rate / Vaccinated Rate x 100
Here’s a chart showing the immune system performance against infection, hospitalisation and death in Canada between 21st March and 10th April 2022 –

This data shows that the triple vaccinated have lost 75% of their ability to fight infection, 45% of their ability to prevent hospitalization, and 50% of their ability to prevent their death compared to the immune system capability of the unvaccinated population.
Both the infection and death data seem to suggest that the more doses you have, the more damage you do to your immune system.
The real-world data does not lie.
The Covid-19 injection makes recipients more likely to be infected with Covid-19, more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and more likely to die of Covid-19.
What’s up for debate is the reason why. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement would certainly explain the increased risk of hospitalisation and death, and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome would certainly explain the reason for the increased risk in cases, hospitalisation and death.
But there’s nothing to say we’re not witnessing both conditions unfold at the same time.
- COVID-19 daily epidemiology update (10th April Figures)
- COVID-19 daily epidemiology update (20th March Figures)
- Confidential Pfizer Data – reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf
- Fact Sheet – What to Know About Secondary Immunodeficiency Disorders?
Official UK, Canada & New Zealand Government data suggests the Triple Vaccinated are now suffering Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
According to the latest UK Government figures, most triple vaccinated people in England have now lost 80% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system capability of unvaccinated people, meaning they are now down to the last 20% of their immune system for fighting viruses, bacteria, disease and cancer.
But this disaster isn’t only occurring in the UK. Official Government of Canada data shows that on average, triple vaccinated Canadians have now lost 75% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system capability of unvaccinated Canadians. Meaning they are now down to the last 25% of their immune system for fighting viruses, bacteria, disease and cancer.
And the picture is also the same in New Zealand, with official Government data showing that on average, fully vaccinated people in New Zealand have lost 74% of their immune system capability.
In short, because authorities in the UK, Canada and New Zealand have done such a good job at collating and publishing data on Covid-19 by vaccination status, they have exposed the fact that the triple vaccinated population are rapidly developing some new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

The body’s immune system primarily defends one’s body against infections like bacteria, viruses and parasites. There are two broad categories of immune deficiency: those that one is born with, and those that are acquired after birth .
Immune deficiency syndrome refers to a broad range of medical disorders that prevent your body from protecting itself from illnesses such as viruses and bacteria. There are a number of different types of congenital and acquired immune deficiency syndromes that can impact the body in a variety of ways.
Secondary (acquired) immune problems can result from many causes, including viral infections, malnutrition, metabolic disorders (like kidney disease), and cancer treatments or other medications.
Unfortunately, official data from around the world now strongly suggests the Covid-19 vaccines should be added to the list of causes of acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
England’s Covid-19 figures are produced by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), and the following table showing the number of cases by vaccination status between week 8 and week 11 of 2022, is taken from their Week 12 – 2022 – Vaccine Surveillance Report –

It may surprise you to find that the vast majority of Covid-19 cases are among the triple vaccinated population in England as can be clearly seen from the table above, because you may have falsely been under the impression that the Covid-19 injections prevent infection and transmission.
Or it may not surprise you because you know they don’t prevent infection or transmission, but you falsely believe the injections reduce the risk of infection and transmission, and this is to be expected when so many people have been vaccinated.
But if the latter were true, then shouldn’t we be seeing a lower case-rate per 100k population among the unvaccinated than the case-rate per 100k among the unvaccinated? Because unfortunately we’re not seeing that, what we’re actually seeing is that the case-rate per 100k is not just equal to the case-rate among the unvaccinated, it’s actually significantly higher, and the gap is getting worse by the week.
The following table has been stitched together from the case-rate tables found in the Week 3, Week 6, Week 10 and Week 12 Vaccine Surveillance Reports –

As you can see from the above, as of the Week 12 report, the case-rates per 100k are highest among the triple vaccinated population in all age-groups except for the under 18’s. But based on the current trend seen we can probably expect to see the triple vaccinated under 18’s obtain a higher case-rate per 100k than their unvaccinated counterparts in just a few short weeks.
We have to go all the way back to the week 3 report to find a higher case rate among the unvaccinated in other age groups, and even then that was only among 18 to 29 year-olds. But by the week 6 report the tables had turned among this age group with a case rate of 3348.7 per 100k among the triple vaccinated, and a case-rate of 1885.8 among the unvaccinated.
As you can probably see from the above the gap in case-rates per 100k is getting worse for the triple vaccinated by the week, but if you can’t see it, don’t worry, because we’re going to use Pfizer’s very own vaccine efficacy formula to illustrate this disastrous decline.
Pfizer claim that there Covid-19 mRNA injection has a vaccine effectiveness of 95%. They were able to claim this because of the following –
During the ongoing clinical trial, 43,661 subjects were split evenly between the placebo and vaccine groups (about 21,830 subjects per group).
In the placebo group — the group that didn’t have the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine — 162 became infected with the coronavirus and showed symptoms.
Whilst in the vaccine group — the group that got the real vaccine — that number was only 8.
In order to calculate the efficacy of their Covid-19 mRNA injection, Pfizer then performed the following calculation –
Number of Cases among the Unvaccinated – Number of Cases among the Vaccinated / Number of Cases among the Unvaccinated x 100 = Vaccine Effectiveness
8 – 162 / 8 x 100 = 95%.
So because the UKHSA kindly provide us with the figures per 100k population by vaccination status, meaning we have figures converted into two equal size groups, we can simply use those figures to work out the real world vaccine effectiveness, and the following table shows that real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England between week 51 of 2021 and week 11 of 2022 –
(Calculation: Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case rate / Unvaccinated Case Rate x 100 = Real World Vaccine Effectiveness)

As you can see the vaccine effectiveness has been falling month and month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69 year-olds at minus-367.67% in the week 12 report. They are closely followed by the 50-59 year olds at minus-305.56% in week 12, and 40-49-year-olds at minus-305.56%
But one of the most concerning falls in vaccine effectiveness has perhaps been recorded among 18-29-year-olds. In the week 3 report vaccine effectiveness among triple jabbed 18-29-year-olds was recorded as being +10.19%. But by the week 12 report this has been recorded as falling to minus-225.37%.
But vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

The Covid-19 vaccine is supposed to train your immune system to recognize the spike protein of the original strain of the Covid-19 virus. It does this by instructing your cells to produce the spike protein, then your immune system produces antibodies and remembers to use them later if you encounter the spike part of the Covid-19 virus again.
But the vaccine doesn’t hang around after it’s done the initial training, it leaves your immune system to take care of the rest, just as it left your immune system to take care of things in the beginning. All the vaccine does is instruct your body to make millions and millions of dangerous spike proteins. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weaken over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.
This is precisely why we are able to conclude that official data in the UK suggests the triple vaccinated are developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Thankfully, using the case rates provided by UKHSA, we can also calculate the immune system performance to see how dangerously close the triple vaccinated population are to developing AIDS. All we need to do is alter the vaccine effectiveness formula slightly for a negative immune system performance, and use the same formula for a positive immune system performance –
Positive Immune System Performance = Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Unvaccinated Case Rate x 100
Negative Immune System Performance = Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Vaccinated Case Rate x 100
The following chart shows the immune system performance of the triple vaccinated population in England by age group between week 51 of 2021 and week 11 of 2022 compared to the natural immune system of the unvaccinated population –

The lowest immune system performance is currently among 60-69-year-olds at minus-78.62%, falling from -72.35 in week 12, -56.34% in week 6, and -51.15% in week 3. But all triple vaccinated people aged 18 to 59, and 70 to 79 are not far behind, with an immune system performance ranging from minus-69.27% to minus-75.39%.
It is only triple vaccinated people aged 80+ who seem to be lagging behind the rest of the pack, but their figures could of course be skewed by the fact the population size of the 80+ changes drastically from week to week due to being at the unfortunate age where life is expected to naturally end.
Unfortunately, what we are seeing here is that triple vaccinated 30 to 79-year-olds are down to the last 26-21% of their immune system capability for fighting infections like bacteria, viruses and parasites, and preventing the development of certain cancers. Whilst triple vaccinated people aged 18-29 are down to the last 30% of their immune system capability.
But what we have to remember here is that this is an average number equated for each group, meaning there will be much better outcomes for some, and much worse outcomes for others.
So to have an average immune system performance as low as minus-78.62%, means there are most likely many people who have already hit the point of no return and have unfortunately developed Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
This is what vaccination has done to the people of England.
The Canadian Covid-19 figures are produced by the Government of Canada (see here).
Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.
Unfortunately, the Government of Canada is publishing its official Covid-19 data in a way that makes it appear Canada is very much experiencing a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’, and that the Covid-19 vaccines are clearly effective. But this data is a fraud.
The Government of Canada has chosen to present the data as an overall tally stretching all the way back to 14th Dec 2020. By doing this they are able to include a huge spike in Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in January 2021 when just 0.3% of Canada were considered fully vaccinated.
But thankfully, thanks to the WayBackMachine, we can look at historical reports and just perform simple subtraction to get the true picture of the current “pandemic” in Canada by vaccination status.
So that you can see how the Government of Canada presents its data, here are a couple of the tables from previous ‘Government of Canada Covid-19 Daily Epidemiology Update’ reports showing the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status from as far back as 14th December 2020, as well as the total population sizes of each vaccine group at the time of each report –

The following chart shows the total number of Covid-19 cases per week by vaccination status across Canada between 31st Jan 22 and 27th Feb 22 –
(Data is taken from the following reports – 30th Jan, 6th Feb, 13th Feb, 20th Feb, 27th Feb)

As you can see the not-vaccinated population have accounted for the least amount of cases every single week, and they have fallen week on week from 6,932 in the week ending 6th Feb, to 2,993 in the week ending 27th Feb.
Whereas cases among both the double and triple vaccinated have been astronomically higher but still fell week on week, except for the week ending 27th Feb where we can see cases among the triple vaccinated started to climb again.

The population of Canada is approximately 38.01 million. Therefore, based on the figures provided by the Government of Canada in their weekly reports, here is a chart showing the population size by vaccination status across Canada each week between 31st Jan and 27th Feb 22 –

The largest population size is actually the unvaccinated population, falling from 13.31 million in the week ending 6th Feb to 13.11 million in the week ending 27th Feb. Whereas the triple vaccinated population has increased from 10.9 million in the week ending 6th Feb to 12.9 million in the week ending 27th Feb. So why on earth are there so many more cases among the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated population?
Because the Government of Canada doesn’t kindly provide the case-rates per 100k by vaccination status like the UKHSA, we have to calculate them ourselves.
The case-rate per 100k is deduced by first dividing the total population size of each vaccine group by 100,000. The number of cases in each vaccine group is then divided by the answer to the previous equation to calculate the case-rate.
e.g. –
13.31 million / 100,000 = 133.1
6,932 cases / 133.1 = 52.08 cases per 100,000 individuals
The following chart shows the Covid-19 case-rate per 100,000 individuals by vaccination status across Canada per week between 31st Jan and 27th Feb 22 –

The case rate has been astronomically higher among both the double and triple vaccinated since at least the 31st Jan 22, and now that we know the case-rates we can use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula again to work out the real world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among both the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated populations.
The following chart shows the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness across Canada among the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated population based on the case-rates above-

In the week ending 6th Feb the real-world vaccine effectiveness among the double vaccinated was an absolutely shocking minus-221.16%. But by the week ending 27th Feb this had fallen even further to minus 276.16%.
But the triple vaccinated population, whilst faring ever so slightly better, have seen a much steeper decline. In the week ending 6th Feb the real world vaccinated effectiveness among the triple vaccinated was still a shocking minus minus-197.79%. But by the week ending 27th Feb this had fallen to minus-269.87%.
However, don’t forget, vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.
The following chart shows the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated immune system performance across Canada vs the natural immune system performance of the unvaccinated population –

These figures show that the average double vaccinated Canadian has lost 73.42% of their immune system capability, meaning they are down to the last 26.58% of their immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc.
But unfortunately, the third jab hasn’t improved things because these figures show the average triple vaccinated Canadian has lost 72.96% of their immune system capability, meaning they are down to the last 27.04% of their immune system for fighting infections like bacteria, viruses and parasites, and preventing the development of certain cancers.
But what we have to remember here is that this is an average number equated for the entire population as a whole, meaning just like the UK data, there will be much better outcomes for some, and much worse outcomes for others.
So to have an average immune system performance as low as minus-73% among the triple vaccinated population as a whole, means there are most likely many more people in Canada compared to England who have already hit the point of no return and have unfortunately developed Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
This is what vaccination has done to the people of Canada.
New Zealand
New Zealand’s Ministry of Health likes to play precisely the same game as the Government of Canada with their data. The New Zealand Ministry of Health only provide a cumulative total from the 16th August 21.
Which is both irritating, and extremely misleading when you consider New Zealand is currently experiencing it’s largest wave of Covid-19 to date by a country mile. But that isn’t the only deception. On the 16th August 2021, the date the New Zealand Ministry of Health have chosen to provide a cumulative total from, just 18.4% of the population of New Zealand were considered fully vaccinated.
But again, thanks to the WayBackMachine, we can look at historical reports and just perform simple subtraction to get the true picture of the current “pandemic” in Canada by vaccination status.
The following chart shows the true number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb –
(Data is taken from the following reports – 6th Jan, 12th Feb, 25th Feb)

In both periods the fully vaccinated population accounted for the majority of Covid-19 cases, but the difference in the number of cases by vaccination status between 12th Feb and 24th Feb is shocking.
Unfortunately, just like the Government of Canada, the New Zealand Ministry of Health doesn’t provide the case-rate per 100k by vaccination status, so we again need to calculate it yourself. If you want to know how we do this then please read this article published 2nd March 2022 here.
Here are the calculated case rates per 100k by vaccination status in New Zealand –

Now that know the Covid-19 case-rates by vaccination status we’re able to use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to work out the real-world vaccine effectiveness.
The following chart shows the real-world two-dose Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb 22 –

Between 6th Jan and 11th Feb the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness proved to be minus-94.4%, but by the 24th Feb, the real-world vaccine effectiveness fell to minus-281.35%.
But don’t forget, vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.
The following chart shows the real-world immune system performance of the fully vaccinated population in New Zealand between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb 22 compared to the immune system performance of the unvaccinated population –

Between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, the immune system performance of the fully vaccinated equated to -49%, meaning they were down to the last 51% of their immune system.
But fast forward to 24th Feb, and we find that the immune system performance of the fully vaccinated in New Zealand has fallen to -74%, meaning the fully vaccinated populations immune systems have degraded by a further 25% in just 13 days, and they are now down to the last 26% of their immune system for fighting infections like bacteria, viruses and parasites, and preventing the development of certain cancers.
But what we have to remember here is that just like Canada, this is an average number equated for the entire population as a whole, meaning there will be much better outcomes for some, and much worse outcomes for others.
So to have an average immune system performance as low as minus-74% among the fully vaccinated population as a whole, means there are most likely many more people in New Zealand compared to England who have already hit the point of no return and have unfortunately developed Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
This is what vaccination has done to the people of New Zealand.
If we only had one country showing a terrible outcome, then it could be disregarded as an anomaly and possibly due to a problem with how the data is collated and recorded. But what we have here is three countries – the UK, Canada, and New Zealand – all publishing official data that is showing exactly the same thing.
The triple vaccinated population in each country has lost approximately 75-80% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of the unvaccinated population.
Meaning they are on average down to the last 20-25% of their immune system for fighting infections like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, and preventing the development of certain cancers.
In short, because authorities in the UK, Canada and New Zealand have done such a good job at collating and publishing data on Covid-19 by vaccination status, they have exposed the fact that the triple vaccinated population are rapidly developing some new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
But because the data in each country is so similar, it doesn’t just suggest that this is what vaccination has done to the people of England, Canada, and New Zealand. It suggests this is what Covid-19 vaccination has done to the entire human race.
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