Ai and Robotics will take 40% of jobs by 2035. WEF Elites say you will become the “Useless Class” (Updated 2024)

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) by 2035 will take away about 40% of jobs. Kai-Fu Lee a former Google executive stated to 60 Minutes: “In 15 years, that’s going to displace about 40 percent of the jobs in the world.

What happens when you have massive unemployment? You have a revolution. The people rise up and go after the Elites. The Elites know this and are working globally to gain control over the people in order to protect themselves.

With CBDC’s and Digital ID’s they will easily stop anyone who rises up against them. They can turn off your money and require ID for even the most basic of activities, of course your ID can be turned off also.

This is also why globally you are seeing dystopian censorship laws being pasted in previously free countries. They will need to control the media and social media narratives.

June 8, 2023

The jobless rate will rise to unseen levels in the next 20 years. The elites are preparing to deal with this by controlling the USELESS. If a huge majority of the population is unemployed, they will revolt against the elites and the ruling class. It is projected that in the next 15 years AI and Robotics will take out 40% of the jobs, creating mass unemployment.

Once you understand this, you might see why they want to depopulate the planet, and ban cash so they can control you with digital currencies and technology.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is “urgently” seeking solutions for the “problem” of the world being overpopulated with individuals deemed “redundant” and “useless” as the global elite prepare for the dominance of artificial intelligence (AI) within society.
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