Month: November 2024

New Research Shows Unvaccinated children are healthier and have far less disease than the vaccinated

Are We Drinking Too Much Water?

Nicotine and its surprising protection from covid

Epstein Island visitors easily tracked via cellphone data

The War On Cash is Here, Govt Digital Currency (CBDC) will be The Ultimate Control Mechanism (Updated Nov 2024)

COVID-19 Vaccination Causes Massive Increases Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep Disorders

The twice-censored peer reviewed landmark COVID-19 vaccine autopsy study published.

Immigrants to Canada are being given more than the average Canadian makes

The Journal Science publishes the Earths average temperature record for the past 485 million years proving climate change is not driven by humans

Whoopi Goldberg Lies on National Television Saying she was discriminated against and refused service at bakery

Mainstream Networks are now simply making things up and using deceitful editing to get the story they want (Updated Nov 2024)

Respected Former Blackrock Fund Manager – Ed Dowd – Warns of Economic Turmoil and Vaccine Death coverup

Government Censorship is a Disease Rapidly Spreading To Democratic countries. The end of free speech is the end of democracy (Updated November 2024)

Transgenders regretting surgeries as they become adults (Updated Nov 2024)

Federal Court Finds: fluoride in drinking water not safe & restricts the intellectual development of children (Updated Nov 2024)

Who is excited for lab grown meat? Lets take a look at what it is (Updated Nov 2024)

NCI Covid Inquiry Finds That Government Officials forced the Vaccine Injured to take more shots

The UK Met Office is making up data from 103 weather stations that don’t exist to push climate change propaganda

Why did Spain just have massive floods?

2024 Election data proves election fraud in 2020

What does our near future look like with Ai and Robotics? Here is a prediction.

“Thank You, Dr. Fauci”: The High-Stakes Docu-Thriller Investigating COVID-19 Origins

Rigged: Dominion Voting machines are a huge threat to our democracy

It’s fine…. we ate it as a kid. Unfortunately everything has changed.

Sneaky Sneaky, they keep renaming Aspartame

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