Doctor Bjorn Lomborg president of the Copenhagen Center, best selling author & climate scientist destroys the Climate Narrative

Dr. Bjorn Lomborg Honors and Accomplishments

  • President – Copenhagen Consensus Center
  • Visiting Professor – Copenhagen Business School
  • Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University
  • Subject of the movie Cool It
  • Author – The Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It
  • One of the 100 Top Global Thinkers – Foreign Policy, 2011
  • Thought Leader – Bloomberg Summit 2011
  • One of the 100 Top Global Thinkers – Foreign Policy, 2010
  • One of the world’s 75 most influential people of the 21st century – Esquire, 2008
  • One of the “50 people who could save the planet” – UK Guardian, 2008
  • One of the top 100 public intellectuals, Foreign Policy & Prospect Magazine, 2008
  • One of the top 100 public intellectuals, Foreign Policy & Prospect Magazine, 2005
  • One of the world’s 100 most influential people – Time Magazine, 2004
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