There is Zero evidence that CO2 emissions are are warming the earth (video)

The climate agenda is not based on science it is based on lies and propaganda

The truth about CO2

CO2 makes up just 0.04% of the atmosphere, and human activity contributes just 5% of that.

0.04% is 25 times less than 1%.

5% (from humans) of 0.04% is 0.002%, which is 500 times less than 1%.

The Net Zero doomsday cult actually expect you to believe that human carbon emissions, which make up just 0.002% of the atmosphere, are responsible for apocalyptic levels of climate change, and the only way to prevent climate apocalypse is stop human carbon emissions completely, which would make 500 times less than 1% of a difference to the atmosphere.

The Net Zero doomsday cult actually expect you to believe that human carbon emissions, which make up just 0.002% of the atmosphere, are responsible for apocalyptic levels of climate change, and the only way to prevent climate apocalypse is stop human carbon emissions completely, which would make 500 times less than 1% of a difference to the atmosphere.

It’s utterly preposterous, and the fact that otherwise intelligent people can even entertain such nonsense with a straight face, baffles me beyond measure.


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