The Journal Science publishes the Earths average temperature record for the past 485 million years proving climate change is not driven by humans

Scientists’ big effort to figure out what has happened to Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years has shown a history of wild changes and much hotter temperatures than they thought. This shows how much the planet has already changed and warns of the dangerously fast rate of warming caused by humans.

The timeline, which came out Thursday in the Journal Science, is the writers’ most accurate reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures. It was made by putting together more than 150,000 fossils and the most up-to-date climate models. It shows that carbon dioxide and global temperatures are closely connected and that the world was much warmer for most of the history of complex animal life.

we are currently at the coolest time in the last 485 million years. YES we are warming and have been for over 300 million years and that is a good thing.

The study also makes clear that the conditions humans are accustomed to are quite different from those that have dominated our planet’s history. For most of the Phanerozoic, the research suggests, average temperatures have exceeded 71.6 F (22 C), with little or no ice at the poles. Coldhouse climates — including our current one — prevailed just 13 percent of the time.

The earth has been warming, thank god, for the past 300,000 years. Without this warming humans would not have survived.

Cold temperatures kill 20 times more people than hot.

Humans appeared following 50 million years of cooling also known as the “Little Ice Age”. YES, coming out of an ice age the temperatures are going to rise and that is a good thing.

Science has also proven that CO2 and temperature are not related as seen in chart below.

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