WHO Data Shows Ivermectin Reduces COVID Mortality By 81%, But They Won’t Recommend It?
Ivermectin is a very safe drug that has been used by more than 3 billion people over the last 30 years, contributed to save countless lives, then won the NOBEL prize in 2015 for its contribution to the human race. Ivermectin is a low cost effective pharmaceutical that is classified as a generic drug, patents have expired, and can be manufactured by anyone. 5-day treatment cost ranges from US$ 0.60 to US$ 1.80.
Dr. Pierre Kory Testifies at the US Senate in this Video

September 5, 2021 UPDATE

View all research data here: https://ivmmeta.com/
MORE RESEARCH IS HERE: https://c19ivermectin.com/
MORE RESEARCH IS HERE: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2052297521000883
April 29, 2021 UPDATE
Last week the World Health Organization (WHO) updated its guidelines on COVID-19 and the drugs that go with treating it. A drug we’ve reported on in Dec 2020 called Ivermectin, shows, via meta-analysis, that an 81% drop in mortality was seen in those treated with Ivermectin as opposed to standard care. This also came with a 64% decrease in hospitalizations.
These are powerful numbers given what’s happening in our world with COVID, yet the WHO still refuses to endorse ivermectin as it feels confidence is low in how effective Ivermectin might be.
Interestingly, the WHO hasn’t had a problem recommending highly experimental and not proven vaccines to the public, with no fear of giving them overconfidence. Why is this the case?
Ivermectin is effective in guarding against COVID-19 infection as well.
Why It Matters: Ivermectin is not a new drug. To date, there have been 49 studies looking at the drug, and 26 of them were randomized controlled trials, showing that ivermectin works to treat COVID-19. Over 3 billion people have used Ivermectin in the past 30 years safely.
Doctors Across America Talk About Ivermectin and How Blocking It Makes No Sense
Ivermectin is a very safe drug that has been used by more than 3 billion people over the last 30 years, contributed to save countless lives then won the NOBEL prize in 2015 for its contribution to the human race. Ivermectin is a low cost effective pharmaceutical that is classified as a generic drug, patents have expired, and can be manufactured by anyone. 5-day treatment cost ranges from US$ 0.60 to US$ 1.80.
Ivermectin has been proven to inhibit the replication of several RNA viruses such as: Dengue, Zika, Yellow fever, West Nile and recently Covid-19.
Doctor Pierre Kory Tells the US Senate, Ivermectin Is a COVID Wonder Drug
Dr. Pierre Kory Testifies at the US Senate
December 8, 2020
Dr. Pierre Kory, a physician at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee Testifies at the US Senate Homeland Security Committee live on CSPAN.
He said Ivermectin is proving to have a “miraculous impact.”
“And when I say miracle, I do not use that term lightly, and I don’t want to be sensationalized when I say that. That is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data that has emerged in the last three months.”
Dr. Kory noted “The most profound evidence we have is in the hospitalized patients. We have four randomized control trials there, multiple observation trials, all showing the same thing, you will not die, or you will die at much, much, much lower rates…It is proving to be a wonder drug.”
Doctor Kory Tells the Senate, Ivermectin Is a COVID Wonder Drug – If You Take It, You Will Not Get Sick.
Dr. Kory noted that two researchers won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015 for their studies on Ivermectin’s efficacy in eradicating parasitic diseases, and now “it is proving to be an immensely powerful anti-viral and anti-inflammatory agent.”
Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
December 8, 2020
Paul Marik, MD, FCCM, FCCP, founder of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and a professor and chief of the division of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, said that ivermectin “is a safe drug that is exceedingly cheap.” He added that “what is truly remarkable — this was a gift to us — ivermectin is highly effective against COVID-19.”
In the protocol, those at high risk for COVID-19 infection receive ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg on day 1 and day 3, and weekly for 4 weeks; those who were exposed to COVID-19 receive the same dose at day 1 and day 3; and both groups receive daily doses of vitamin D3, vitamin C, quercetin, zinc and melatonin.
“All studies showed positive benefits — the majority showed a decrease in mortality, decreases in hospitalization,” Kory said. In light of the positive data on ivermectin in COVID-19, the researchers called on national and global health authorities — including the NIH, WHO and the CDC — to examine the data.
“We are appealing to these national and global health authorities,” Doctor Marik said. “Please, review the data, and provide guidance to health care workers across the world so that they can prescribe this medication.”
Source and more information is at: https://c19ivermectin.com
Pharmaceutical Technology reports
November 5, 2020
Ivermectin can be taken and is effective in reducing Covid-19 infections.
In the two-cohort study, one set of HCWs received two-dose ivermectin prophylaxis at a dose of 300 μg / kg with a gap of 72 hours while workers in the other group received other prophylaxis.
AIIMS research finds ivermectin reduces infection in Covid-19 patients by 73%
AIIMS found that two doses of potential drug ivermectin prophylaxis resulted in a 73% reduction in Covid-19 infection
AIIMS Director said: “Earlier, at least 20 to 25 Health care workers were getting infected with the virus daily. After the workers started taking ivermectin, the number of infection has come down to one or two per day.”
Source: https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/aiims-study-covid-19/

Source of dozens of medical reports: https://c19ivermectin.com
Science Direct: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2052297521000883
- FLCCC Alliance. FLCCC Alliance calls on national health authorities to immediately review medical evidence showing the efficacy of ivermectin for the prevention of COVID-19 and as an early outpatient treatment. https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/FLCCC-Alliance-Call-for-Action-News-Release-Press-Conference-Follow-Up.pdf. Accessed December 7, 2020.
- FLCCC Alliance. Prevention and early treatment of COVID-19. https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/FLCCC-PressConferencePresentation-Dec4-Houston.pdf. Accessed December 7, 2020.
- Kory P, et al. Review of the emerging evidence demonstrating the efficacy of ivermectin in the prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19. https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FLCCC-Ivermectin-in-the-prophylaxis-and-treatment-of-COVID-19.pdf. Accessed December 7, 2020.
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