Researchers Discover That A Component of COVID mRNA Vaccines Suppresses Immune Response and Promotes the Growth of Cancer (Updated 2024)

April 19, 2024
Serious questions concerning the safety profile of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been highlighted by an international team of scientists after a thorough evaluation.

Review articles are synopses of recent findings related to a specific subject. They are also referred to as secondary sources or literature reviews occasionally.

The Science Direct review, “N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?” explores the possible effects of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ), a vaccine ingredient that may contribute to immunological suppression and the growth of cancer. To improve the effectiveness of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, m1Ψ was added.

This component was added to the mRNA vaccine in order to use in vitro transcription (IVT) to generate a sizable amount of modified SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA. This change was essential to the vaccine’s quick development and distribution during the pandemic’s peak.

The review study, however, raises concerns about the modification’s long-term ramifications, particularly in light of the vaccine’s possible carcinogenic effects and interaction with the immune system.

As per the abstract of the review, there is data indicating that although mRNA vaccines would have been “effective” in lowering the severity of illness outcomes, they might not offer sterilizing immunity, making people vulnerable to recurrent infections.

More importantly, the review notes that the presence of m1Ψ in mRNA vaccines seems to block important immune pathways, hence compromising the body’s early interferon signaling.

A naturally occurring chemical called interferon aids the body’s immune system in battling infection and other illnesses including cancer.

This immunosuppression may unintentionally promote an environment favorable to cancer development and metastasis. Its goals are to maximize immune activation and assure effective synthesis of the spike protein. mRNA vaccines that have not undergone this alteration, however, have had the opposite result.

“In light of this strong evidence, we propose that mRNA vaccines with a lower percentage of m1Ψ modification should be used in future clinical trials for infectious diseases or cancers, in order to prevent immune suppression,” the researchers wrote.

The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) medical billing data, which Ohio lawyer Thomas Renz submitted in 2022, revealed the alarming reality regarding the adverse effects the jab is having on service members’ health.

Renz claims that since the hurried release of the COVID-19 vaccine, there has been an enormous rise in the diagnosis of a number of significant illnesses and disorders among US military personnel. The most alarming of these is cancer, which has increased threefold.

According to a large body of evidence, miscarriages, for instance, nearly tripled over a five-year period. He stated, “We saw almost 300% increase in cancer over the five-year average,” at a panel discussion held by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) in Washington, DC.

According to the Wall Street Journal, physicians are perplexed by the abrupt increase in cancer cases among young individuals.

According to The Journal:

“Cancer is striking more youth in the United States and around the world, confounding medical professionals. According to federal data, the U.S. had 107.8 cases per 100,000 persons under 50 by the end of 2019—a 12.8% increase from 95.6 in 2000. Last year, a study published in BMJ Oncology revealed a dramatic increase in cancer cases worldwide among those under 50, with Western Europe, North America, and Australia having the highest rates.

The article doesn’t contain the phrase “vaccine.” The statement that doctors are “racing to figure out what is making them sick, and how to identify young people who are at high risk” is repeated mindlessly. They believe that the danger for younger generations has increased due to changes in our lifestyle, such as less physical activity, more highly processed foods, and new contaminants.

Perhaps physicians ought to start concentrating on the obvious.

Renowned UK oncologist Dr. Angus Dalgleish recently wrote an open letter to the chief editor of The BMJ, pleading with the publication to “make valid informed consent for COVID vaccination a priority topic” due to the fast advancement of cancers and other illnesses among “boosted” individuals.

“These patients have all had melanoma or B cell-based cancers, which are highly susceptible to immune control. This is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments,” Dr. Dalgleish wrote. “The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit,” she continued.

The Gateway Pundit also covered the case of Dr. Michael Goldman, an immunology and internal medicine professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, who is a proponent of the COVID vaccination and made the suggestion that the mRNA vaccine could exacerbate lymphoma cancer.

Goldman was excited to receive the booster dosage of the mRNA vaccination on September 22, 2021. He was worried that he wouldn’t have enough protection against Covid-19 because he was about to have immunodeficiency chemotherapy.

Goldman’s cancer symptoms, which included fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and night sweats, got worse a few days after she received her boost.

“Given our understanding of the natural course of lymphoma, such rapid cancer progression within three weeks is astonishing, and Goldman required steroids as soon as possible.” Goldman’s chances of surviving for more than five years were only 30%, according to Newsbreak, and he started to fear that the booster shot had somehow made his lymphoma worse.

The news source continued, “Goldman’s lymphoma was confined to her left armpit and neck prior to receiving a boost. Goldman’s first and second doses of the mRNA vaccination were inadvertently administered to his left arm. However, Goldman’s right arm developed a malignancy after receiving the booster.

The author of Newsbreak, Shin Jie Yong, is an MSC Biology student. He shared information he received from a professor on seven patients who had stage IV malignancies that were under control for nearly five years before the Covid-19 vaccination caused them to unexpectedly develop.

According to Shin, pro-vaccine activist Michael Goldman, who was 66 at the time, faced a dilemma over whether or not to disclose the potentially fatal side effect he experienced following a vaccination. Eventually, Goldman and his associates made the decision to publish their research.

According to the case report, vaccination with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine may cause Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), a rare and extremely aggressive lymphatic system cancer, to grow more quickly. This kind of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) develops when T-cells, or immune system-fighting white blood cells, develop malignant and aberrant properties.

As far as we are aware, this is the first observation indicating that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine may cause AITL development. This hypothesis is supported by several considerations. First, two 18F-FDG PET-CTs taken 22 days apart revealed the progression’s striking speed and size. A quick evolution like this would be quite unlikely given the disease’s natural progression. It seems sense to speculate that the mRNA immunization caused the alterations seen because it has been shown to cause draining lymph nodes to expand and become hypermetabolic, the experts added.

Full Report can be read here:

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