Would you trust your life, family livelihood to a well-known liar and corrupted politician? Of course not!
Not only has Bonnie Henry lied about masks, but about the severity of Covid, the fact that hospitals have been empty for the past 12 months, details on the the causes of death of those they count as “Covid deaths” and about the effectiveness of lock-downs.
She has even admitted that these draconian lock-downs are NOT BASED IN SCIENCE WHATSOEVER. This woman is a dangerous politician and is harming millions of BC residents with her nonsensical and irrational policies. She needs to be removed!
Would you trust a doctor that treated you using treatments that were not based in science????? I believe that is called a witch doctor?
Lets watch her talk more…..
What about Bonnie Henrys qualifications??? Lets look….

Bonnie Henry appears to have graduated from medical school in 1990, and then spent another 11 years in school after that. She then went directly into being a Deputy Medical Officer with Toronto Public Health in 2001.
There are 2 years of experience listed (2005 to 2007), but the overwhelming majority of her time was in various political roles.
When did she practice medicine?????
And was mentioned in Part 13, there is no record of Theresa Tam ever practicing medicine.
Who Theresa Tam Really Is
Unfortunately, there is very little information available on her. No date of birth, or place of birth beyond “growing up in Hong Kong”. Even at the schools she claims to have completed, there is no searchable information. One would think they would happy to boast about the accomplishments of their alumnus.
The following credential dates are from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, but it doesn’t look like Tam has actually practiced medicine at all. There are publications with her name on it, but the rest of her past is a mystery.
1965 – Tam is born in HK (source: Wikipedia)
1989 – U of Nottingham medical degree (CPSO profile)
1996 – U of Alberta pediatric residency completed (CPSO profile)
1997 – UBC fellowship in infectious diseases (CPSO profile)
1999 – Independent Practice Certificate issues (CPSO profile)
In her CPSO profile, Tam claims not to have used any other names, which would contradict speculation that she once went by the name “Tan Yongshi”. What’s interesting though is that in researching these schools: Nottingham, UAlberta and UBC, there is no mention of Theresa Tam at all. Once would think that a graduate who is not “Canada’s top doctor” would warrant special attention and adoration. But there isn’t any mention of her at all.
However, Tam was getting into government around that time. It doesn’t look like she ever practiced — ANYWHERE but on the political stage.
Yet she has become “Canada’s Top Doctor”. She graduated medical school in 1989 and never got a license to practice until a decade later.
These are the people in charge of making public medical decisions.
Sources: https://canucklaw.ca/cv-32-b-bcpho-bonnie-henry-admits-no-science-behind-anything-she-does/
Sources: https://canucklaw.ca/cv-13b-more-on-who-theresa-tam-really-is/
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