British Medical Journal Study Links 3 Million Excess Deaths to Covid Vaccines and Mandates – The Telegraph Makes it Front Page News

With a tidal wave of data showing the deaths and harms the covid vaccine has created, Mainstream media 3 years later is now finally reporting on the facts.

According to a recent study, the increase in excess deaths that have occurred since the pandemic began may have been caused by the Covid vaccinations. The study, which was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) Public Health, examined data from 47 Western nations and discovered that, in spite of the introduction of several containment strategies and the accessibility of COVID-19 vaccinations, excess death rates have continued to be high for three years running.

What are excess fatalities?
The number of deaths that surpass the anticipated number in a specific time frame is referred to as excess deaths, and is typically caused by a particular cause or combination of circumstances. In this instance, the study examined the excess mortality linked to COVID-19 along with the collateral consequences of immunization campaigns and containment strategies.

The results of the study. The investigation discovered that:

Since 2020, there have been over three million unnecessary deaths, and this trend has persisted in spite of vaccination campaigns and containment strategies.

The excess deaths included deaths from other causes as well, such as respiratory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and other medical conditions, in addition to COVID-19 deaths.

Citing suspected adverse events reported in multiple countries, the study’s authors hypothesized that the vaccines may have played a role in the increase in excess deaths.

Potential justifications
The authors of the study put forth a number of theories as to why there may be an increase in excess deaths, such as the unintended consequences of containment tactics, like mask-wearing, lockdowns, and social distancing, which could have exacerbated anxiety, stress, and other mental health problems.
the effect of immunization campaigns on the general health of the populace, taking into account the possibility of vaccine-related side effects.

The ongoing pandemic itself may have contributed to higher death rates by causing a number of factors, including social isolation, delayed or skipped medical care, and unstable economic conditions.
In summary

The results of the study imply that the increase in excess deaths may have been caused by the Covid vaccinations, but further investigation is required to completely comprehend the connection between vaccination and death rates. The authors of the study stressed the necessity for governments and decision-makers to carefully look into the root causes of excess deaths and to take into account the possible long-term impacts of immunization programs on public health.

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