Impossible vegan burgers raise your risk of diabetes and heart disease; a new study finds that real meat is better for you

They are claimed to be a healthier option overall, with less fat and cholesterol than the real thing. However, a recent study indicates that plant-based imitation meat products are not the healthy option and may even raise the risk of heart disease.

According to a study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, individuals who consumed a diet high in imitation meats, such as Impossible and Beyond burgers, for eight weeks had higher blood sugar levels than those who consumed real meat.

89 Singaporeans with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes were included in the new study by researchers at the National University of Singapore, and they were divided into two groups.

Over the course of eight weeks, half of the participants continued to eat a diet high in meat, while the other half substituted fake meat for the usual meat.

From a variety of well-known brands, such as Impossible Beef, Omni Foods, The Vegetarian Butcher, Beyond Meat, and The Vegetarian Butcher, the participants selected highly processed plant-based goods.

Blood tests were performed by researchers before and after the experience to track changes in sodium and cholesterol levels, which can clog arteries and lead to heart disease.

In order to provide the scientists with an accurate picture of the effect on blood sugar levels in real time, participants wore continuous glucose monitors for the duration of the experiment.

There was no difference in the two groups’ cholesterol levels after two months. On the other hand, meat eaters had more stable blood sugar, which reduced their chance of developing diabetes.

The researchers hypothesized that this might be caused by the addition of carbs, which can cause blood sugar levels to spike, to the imitation meat products.

Full study here:

The new findings echo that of a study from Poznań University of Medical Sciences in Poland, which found increased blood sugar spikes in people who eat diets high in ultra-processed fake meat.

Further these highly-processed products are incredibly high in saturated fats and salt Emily Gelsomin, a senior clinical nutrition specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, wrote for Harvard Health Publishing.

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