Month: February 2024

There is a repeating cycle of events for every empire in history, we are no different

Dr. Phil Talks about Covid Insanity, over reaching mandates, illegal immigration and more

33 Climate change predictions the EXPERTS promoted that were 100% wrong over the past 50 years. (video)

What’s in our fast food?

The Ten Lies Of Covid-19 Debunked With Science & Data (Updated 2024)

UK Government Announces That Masks Had Zero Effectiveness – Confirming all mask science for past 80 years… That They Chose To Ignore

Japanese researchers have linked 201 different types of diseases to the side effects of COVID vaccines.

50% of inflation forced on us is from mega corporations simply demanding higher profits.

What is A Social Credit System? (Updated 2024)

The Elites will fake an alien UFO invasion to solidify global power, What do you think?

Brown University finds shocking effects of sugar on the brain

California Cloud seeding program is followed up by a major rain storm.

Mainstream media is failing because no one trusts them anymore. What happened?

Remember when “One death was too many”? Well now globally more people than ever are dying but no one is talking about it… Weird right?

Climate Change & The Ocean Is Rising Promoters Sure Love Multi-million Dollar Waterfront Properties, Superyachts and Private Jets

Trudeau Spends $200 billion on ‘climate action’ — What Action?

Canada, USA and Global Co2 emissions are completely absorbed by plant life, here are the numbers

Doctor Drew Says the Covid insanity has opened his eyes to how corrupt our Medical system and regulators are

The actions of a Sociopath, Trudeau Uses Children to keep up the lies

How Well Does Socialism work? A Brief history of Venezuela’s fall from Excellence

Why is the Ukraine War Happening?

Liberals across Canada are jumping ship and refusing to Follow Trudeau’s Radical Authoritarian Regime

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