Month: May 2024

Former Climate Change Expert Exposes That it is all motivated by funding

Fauci Emails Released Show he Lied, Manipulated and funded the Wuhan Lab Research Where Outbreak Originated (Updated 2024)

UPDATED!! The Origins Of Covid Laid Out. Spoiler alert it was FAUCI

Covid Propaganda was the biggest Psyop in history, 5th Generation Warfare

The elites have a depopulation plan that is in full effect

The constant battle between Freedom and Tyranny. we Must Always Stand Guard (Updated 2024

What happened to all the promises about blazing 5G speeds?

They are ready to start up the Vaccine cash machine for bird flu

Did the NSA create Bitcoin?

Pablo Escobar Jr. Talks about the state of the USA

Vaccine never provided any immunity and it is right in the Pfizer documents and new research

Big Pharma wants Your Natural Health Products and Health Canada is helping them

Are all the Bees really dying?

What’s happening with Trumps Trials?

US Government manipulating the Inflation numbers

Was Lyme disease made by the military?

Vaccine Injuries differ greatly with different batches called “Hot Lots” or “Bad Batches” (Updated 2024)

Ai and Robotics will take 40% of jobs by 2035. WEF Elites say you will become the “Useless Class” (Updated 2024)

Multiple Sclerosis May have a surprising cause

The 2030 Agenda Explained (video)

Self-Replicating Nanobots In Humans. What!?

Another day another 8 BILLION DOLLAR Trudeau SCAM

Co2 Tax is Pushing International Investment in Canada Away. Canada drops from USA’s #1 trading partner to 3rd place

AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccine worldwide after admitting it can cause Fatal blood clots

Propaganda and lies against Ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine Have now been exposed and it is shocking (Updated 2024)

Even Covid fanatics like CNN’s Cuomo are now exposing the vaccine nightmares unleashed on the world

Never forget the two years when the Flu completely disappeared for first time in history

Impossible vegan burgers raise your risk of diabetes and heart disease; a new study finds that real meat is better for you

Conspiracy Theories: Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t kill himself and he is Alive. Let’s examine them

How is Canada Doing Under Trudeau? Lets Look at the Statistics. Oh Boy…

Old News Clip Of CBS Reporting on Medical System Corrupted by Big Pharma, before they bought the media

Who do you trust more… The Science or the Money? The same people creating vaccine mandates made over 400 million on their mandates.

Trudeau government paid surveillance company to spy on Canadians

Leading Oncologist Demands FDA Recall of Covid Jabs Due to Increasing Rate of Cancer Among Vaccinated

It’s official: the planet is getting greener, Thanks to Co2 and people (Updated 2024)

Antarctica, the Only Continent It Is Illegal to fly over and to explore

Co-Founder Of WEF Son Calls for Arrest of WEF Officials and latest Shocking numbers on Vaccine injuries

Trudeaus Relentless Actions to Sabotage Canada, Stakeholder Capitalism And WEF pushing global Carbon Tax

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