Who is Klaus Schwab And the World Economic Forum?

Here we have a very educational and entertaining video on Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. They have big plans to control and manipulate you. They will take away your freedom, privacy, assets and you will be happy. Well doesn’t that sound amazing!

You do not have to take our word for it…. these global elite psychopaths will tell you themselves. Enjoy…. then educate your friends and family these people are very powerful and unless everyone becomes aware of what they are doing there will be no stopping it and no return.

Klaus Schwab Early Years and Upbringing

Who Is Klaus Schwab today

Is he a Narcissistic Psychopath? You decide

Here Klaus talks about soon there will be no need for elections. I’m serious.

The New World Order and its climate scam was all laid out in a book, you can buy it on Amazon. No joke.

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