Hunter Biden Laptop: Here are all the facts

A computer repair store owner in Delaware claims that Hunter Biden dropped off a laptop in 2018 for repair and never returned to retrieve it. The laptop was seized by the FBI December 2019.

Three weeks before the 2020 United States presidential election, the New York Post published a front-page story that presented emails from the laptop, alleging they showed corruption by Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee and Hunter Biden’s father. According to the New York Post, the story was based on information provided to Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney of incumbent president and candidate Donald Trump.

The government and the media immediately went on a disinformation campaign frenzy claiming the laptop was Russian disinformation.

Fact: at this time the FBI had been in possession of the laptop for almost one year, the FBI knew exactly what was on the laptop and who owned it. The FBI still would not confirm the laptop was owned by Hunter Biden. This laptop has damning evidence that Biden family has been receiving money from the Chinese and Ukrainians. Something that voters should have been aware of before the election.

Then more than 50 former senior intelligence officials signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” Joe Biden falsely stated the laptop was not his sons. That’s a lot of people with high level US security clearances lying weeks before an election. Election tampering is a federal crime, so where are the charges?

51 former US Intelligence Officials with security clearances signed a letter stating that the Hunter Biden Laptop was Russian Misinformation. This letter was broadcasted to the world as fact on every mainstream news channel.

Jump to 2024:

Hunter Biden gun trial prosecutors use Hunter Biden laptop as evidence and confirms that it was always real, it was not Russian disinformation and that it was in fact Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, and revealed that Blinken was the creator of the letter that implied the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was disinformation. Morell further explained that one of his two goals in releasing the statement was to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election

A former CIA official also testified that then-Biden campaign senior adviser, now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken was one of the creators of the letter signed by current and past intelligence officials that claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign, which now has to be proven to be completely False Information.


“Because I wanted him to win the election,” Morell testified.

To recap: The government, the FBI, Joe Biden, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the mainstream media all colluded to suppress true information to tamper with a federal election.

Election tampering is a FEDERAL CRIME.

FBI agent Erika Jensen confirmed Tuesday that Hunter Biden’s laptop was in fact real and authentic — meaning that every single one of the 51 “former intelligence officials” who called it Russian misinformation in 2020 should lose their security clearances.

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